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Showing posts from January, 2020

The One Thing Those Threatening Jesus Posts Get Right

You know those posts that talk about Jesus and then attempt to shame us into sharing? They are the ones that talk about how we share jokes every day but when something talks about Jesus, we just scroll on by.  Never mind they might be a repeat of an email we were forwarding to all our friends twenty years ago, the shaming is ridiculous. As if Jesus would only be convinced of our love for Him when we hit share on a social media post. But... There’s something they get right.  via GIPHY What Will We Hate on this Week? I was thinking about this the other day when I had a Nickelback song stuck in my head. (That’s right, I said it.) Everyone loves to hate on Nickelback, saying all their songs sound the same. That might be true. But if you like that one Nickelback song, then you’ll enjoy all of them.  The thing is Nickelback is the band everyone loves to hate...right now. But twenty years ago it was someone else. And isn’t there always a recent boy band...

Does 2020 Get a Word?

The last few years have seen people selecting their word for the year. I’ve often wondered if those words should be their word for January.  Much like resolutions, these things tend to fade. via GIPHY But nevertheless, I have led my family these past few years into different streams of thought as we focused in on something that benefitted us by paying it attention.  There was the year of Adventure , a year my family will not soon forget.  There was the year of Extra , when we worked hard at pouring ourselves into the newest places God had placed us.  There was a year of Connection , where new roots were planted, new friendships developed.  So what now?  I almost hesitate because I feel lost in the moment. But what a moment! I have begun classes again, this one focused on prayer and bringing with it 6 books for reading. That’s right. Six books. Eight weeks.   I’m sure it’ll be fine.  The one I’m curre...

The Key to Making a Great Name

Do you know what would make a great name for an epic hero? Nimrod. That’s right. Nimrod. The name you might hear relatives and friends calling someone they find to be stupid. Oh, wait, that doesn’t sound epic, does it? It didn’t to me either. But at one time... “Cush was the father of Nimrod, who grew to be a mighty warrior on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; that is why it is said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord.” ~Genesis 10:8-9 Nimrod was such a warrior that the next few verses detail the cities he built and the kingdom he established. Warrior, hunter, hero. Thy name is Nimrod. Making Your Own Great Name One would assume the name of the first mighty warrior to walk the earth would still be revered. But go ahead and tell someone they remind you of Nimrod and see how that goes over for you.  via GIPHY See, unlike other biblical names which are hard to spell and harder to pronounce, Nimrod now has a negative con...

How Many Kids Did Adam and Eve Have?

Buckle up boys and girls. We’re about to go on a wild ride today. When we consider the early chapters of Genesis, there are basically two camps; those who believe God created other people after He created Adam and Eve. And there are those of us who believe the early years were a purer version of Kentucky. You know what I mean, where kissing cousins is encouraged. Don’t come at me Kentucky. I know it’s not everyone down there, but you know where they are. We're going to do some math today. But wait, before you tune me out, we're also going to talk about sex. That's right. You'll be glad you stayed. So what are we talking about? How much coupling could the first couple couple? Math Time! How many kids are we talking about here? So, why all the baby math? I was conversing with friends about whether or not God created other people after He created Adam and Eve. As is normally the case when this conversation comes up, the question bothering people is whether ...

Resolutions Are For Those Who Aren't Already Awesome

Here we are. It's 2020! Of course you know what that means, right? It's time for YMCA's, gyms, and other workout facilities to offer deals for everyone who resolved to get in better shape. This is the Black Friday for those places because we've all spent the last month over-indulging and telling ourselves we'd get back to a disciplined lifestyle after the holidays.  The holidays are over and do you want to know how many official resolutions I have made?  None. Zero. Zilch. Just like the amount of cookies I am going to let you smack out of my hand, I am not making any new resolutions. Why? Because resolutions are for those who aren't already awesome. Listen, I'm not saying I don't have things to work on, like humility .  Really, no resolutions? via GIPHY I told my kids that instead of making resolutions for myself this year, I would be making resolutions for them. They were super excited to hear that.  I should confess this id...