I was fine, I tell you. The day had been somewhat long, but so had the week. Dinner was good, a real meat and potatoes kind of night, which doesn't happen all that often in my house. Don't go telling my wife I said this. She's a wonderful cook and she feeds me in many great ways. But we have these three midgets who live with us. They are very picky eaters. And eating meat and potatoes is not always worth it when it comes with whine. It wasn't the meal. But, all of a sudden, BAM. I didn't feel good. But this couldn't be. I had plans for the next two days. A long list waiting to be done...by me. But morning's sunrise did not bring any better results. I was ill. Though I knew it to only be some silly flu going around, it felt like death was waiting for me. Why does the flu feel like that? I have a better question? Why does it come so quickly and unexpectedly? I've gone outsde with a wet head. I've played in the snow without gloves on. I've danced in
You don't know me. I'm okay with that. This is my search for insignificance.