Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. - Winston Churchill I am rethinking purpose this summer. This is not to say that I am thinking of a new purpose, but more of rediscovering the purpose in the youth ministry I lead. And I think there are several good reasons to read Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in order to be refreshed. In regards to purpose, Jesus says a lot in these chapters of Matthew and Luke that are important. For example, in Matthew 5:1-10, Jesus starts right off with what we know as the Beatitudes. Now some people simply see this section as some nice poetry where Jesus tells us to be nice. But it's more than that. He is pointing out, subtly or not, that things have been done and accepted for a long time, but there is, in fact, another way that God views things. Blessed are the poor in spirit? Guess what? It's a good thing if you're not bragging about your good deeds. Blessed are those who mourn, who are meek, and who are merciful? Soun
You don't know me. I'm okay with that. This is my search for insignificance.