I like my lists. They help keep me organized. Aaaaand, I probably get a bit too much pleasure out of checking things off my lists. But, like I said, they help keep me organized. There's really only one weakness to a list. You do have to look at this list in order for it to remind you. Last week I was preparing to take my youth group on a ski retreat weekend. It was a perfect time to make a list, which I did. But the thing about making a list is that it sometimes helps me to remember more clearly what I need to accomplish. In this case, I had a packing list. As I was packing, I was visualizing what I had written down. I packed and packed and...never looked at my list. It wasn't until hours later, while driving a noisy bus with even noisier teens that I was feeling I had forgotten something. And that's when it hit me. Snow boots?!? Really...snow boots? I didn't forget extra socks...or a magazine...or a charger for my phone. I didn't neglect to bring sno
You don't know me. I'm okay with that. This is my search for insignificance.