If you were having trouble sleeping, you might try reading 1 Chronicles. It's a list of names, although these names tell a story of Israel's history. Towards the beginning the name Nimrod is listed. What do you think of when you hear the name Nimrod? I don't think of anyone flattering. The informal dictionary definition is that of a silly person; a simpleton. But that's not the only definition. When the writer of Chronicles is listing out the names, he spends most of his ink just listing who was born. But when he comes to Nimrod he pauses. He adds a description. "The first great hero on earth." The NIV tells us that Nimrod was a great warrior. Even the dictionary offers that nimrod can refer to one skilled in hunting. Isn't it funny how names can change over the years? I can remember when I was younger and people would hear my name, they would roll their eyes. You know, on second thought, perhaps my name isn't the best example. But I bet we could all n
You don't know me. I'm okay with that. This is my search for insignificance.