I was playing guitar and singing when my 5 year old interrupts my American Idol-worthy groove to ask what grace is. Now, you know how parents, when they are talking with another, say things they wouldn't say to their kids? Well, sometimes I say those things to my kids.
What's grace, my child? It's what God gives you, even though you're a little sinner and don't deserve it. That's grace! It ranks right up there with some advice I got from Jack Handy. He thought it was a good idea that when a kid asked where rain came from, to tell them it was God crying. When they asked why God was crying, he'd tell them it was probably because of something they did. That's parenting at its best.
I think of that because of Lamentations 3:22-24.
See, despite what a dirty sinner I am, God's love overcomes all of that. He has compassion on me. He extends His grace to my life.
Oh, and God does it every day.
Therefore, I will wait for Him. What are you waiting on God for this week?
What's grace, my child? It's what God gives you, even though you're a little sinner and don't deserve it. That's grace! It ranks right up there with some advice I got from Jack Handy. He thought it was a good idea that when a kid asked where rain came from, to tell them it was God crying. When they asked why God was crying, he'd tell them it was probably because of something they did. That's parenting at its best.
I think of that because of Lamentations 3:22-24.
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fails. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him."
See, despite what a dirty sinner I am, God's love overcomes all of that. He has compassion on me. He extends His grace to my life.
Oh, and God does it every day.
Therefore, I will wait for Him. What are you waiting on God for this week?