Ruin Your Life? Sounds like a book I'd like to read. There's enough how-to books on succeeding. We need to know how to go the opposite way. I didn't even know what the book was about when I agreed to review this one by Chris Folmsbee and Nate Severson. The title alone grabbed me.
Imagine my surprise when I realized I would be joining the authors in writing this book. That's because it's a journal. Not just any journal. As they explain in the intro, this book is about discovering your thoughts and feelings through creative expression.
Each day has a creative exercise, then invites you to explore what you learned from that. We're also given a prayer, some scripture to read from the Bible and an inspirational quote. The original authors are not scared of what happens to the actual book along the way, as they believe that beauty can often come from messiness.
Sounds like a great idea to embrace.
My good friends at Youth Worker Journal have hooked me up with this book. Very likely I'll be passing this on to a teenager very soon. You can do the same by finding copies at Zondervan or Youth Specialties.