I recently went through an intriguing novel by Mark Mynheir called The Corruptible.
The story centers on Private Investigator Ray Quinn, a retired police officer, taken out of the force before his time due to injury. The story begins when Ray gets a case with a very wealthy client. Stolen information and murdered suspects draws the reader in fairly quickly. Twists and turns keeps the pages turning.
There are a few points when the individual spiritual needs of Ray seem forced into the story. But let's face it, when you're distracted by life, your spiritual needs can often seem forced in. It also seemed to jump at points, but that could be my mind working slowly as well.
Over all, this was an interesting story, teaching me to trust nobody. Is it possible that everybody did it? You'll have to find out for yourself by reading the book.
I received this book for free from my good friends at Waterbrook Multnomah. They help me add stuff books to my Kindle, asking only that I say something. They don't corrupt, which is nice. I am free to say what I want.
You can purchase this book from them here.