I replied, “But my work seems so useless!
I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose.
Yet I leave it all in the Lord’s hand;
I will trust God for my reward.” ~Isaiah 49:4
Yeah, ever had a case of the been there, done that?
I was actually feeling pretty good about myself and my job the morning I read this verse. I know it's not supposed to work this way, but it did make me pause.
And as I paused, I realized that, of course, many people feel this way. This is bound to happen when we apply ourselves and set goals that seem to make sense. But I'm pretty sure God said something about the ways and plans of man.
This is putting God first and myself second. I have felt this way many times in ministry. But my calling is not about bringing me glory. It is all for God and so I am able to trust Him for my reward. The same goes for you. So be encouraged. The strength spent is not for nothing and the purpose is not wasted.