Since God is for us, who cares who is against us? I'd heard this worded in this way a long time ago, but thoughts of Easter week brought it back once more. Plus, the irony of this day and its' title always makes me pause. Good Friday. Think about the last time you came home or met up with a friend somewhere. They probably ask how your day has been. Now think about all the many, eternally insignificant, things that you consider when giving your answer. I got to sleep in, the weather is nice, it's a good hair day, my cat didn't cough up a hair ball, so on and so forth. I'm not saying I don't have better days than others. But when we consider what was done on this one particular Friday, all our days got that much better. It was this line of thinking that clearly got the Apostle Paul fired up. Whenever someone asks questions and provides their own answers, they are either horrible conversationalists or they are ramped up about the topic at ha
You don't know me. I'm okay with that. This is my search for insignificance.